
to the "gods at war" daily devotional exercises.  Hope they are as powerful for you as they are for me.  Be encouraged - God is with you.  All that follows has been adapted from the "gods at war" combat journal.  Since there is not an electronic version - we've decided to get the questions to you this way.  Please note that this is only inspired by the Combat Journal and not directly copied.  There is much more helpful information in the Combat Journal that will help you go much deeper into these exercises and do inner work which would bear great fruit as you continue on this journey.  I have also added additional questions, a twist to some of the exercises, and an evening scripture reading and prayer.  I am praying for you each day, as well as journeying through these devotional exercises myself.  Enjoy and press on.

Before you can confront the enemy - you first have to know who the enemy is.

Each morning this week I will encourage you to ponder one of Idleman's 7 diagnostic questions from our first session on Sunday morning.

This Morning

Ponder:  What has most disappointed you in life?

While you ponder this throughout your day - do not be ashamed of anything.  Instead bring it into the light knowing you have a God who loves you deeply and desires your heart.  Trust in his grace and mercy is key for this exercise.  Don't judge yourself or back away - temptation to do so is only the enemy.  You have the power of the Holy Spirit that will give you strength to authentically look deep into this question.

So, what has most disappointed you in life?  Why does this circumstance disappoint you?  What implications might your disappointment have?

This Evening

After considering this question earlier today - try writing out your disappointment on paper or expressing it through a drawing.  False gods are able to survive because they often operate under the radar.  Writing it down or expressing it through a drawing, painting, picture, piece of clay (or playdough) - drags this disappointment out into the open where it cannot hide and grow in the darkness.  You might chose to destroy it when you are done so that no one else can see it.  If you have a spouse or intimate friend, you might consider doing the activity together and sharing your answers with one another.


What were today's activities like for you?

Scripture and Prayer  

1 John 5:21 - "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."

The disciples were often called "children of God" or "children of the Kingdom" by Jesus himself.  Here now, Jesus calling you a precious child of God - Jesus' own brother or sister in The Kingdom of Heaven.  Place before Him your disappointments and imagine his light shining so bright in that area of darkness that it disintegrates before your eyes.

Abba Father, I am not perfect.  I am a broken person and yet you love me.  You know the depths of my mistakes and evil thoughts and you still call me your own.  Gratitude for your mercy and forgiveness floods my soul.  Work a new desire in my to worship you and you alone.  Reveal yourself to me anew each day and open my ears to hear your voice - open my eyes to see your loving arms reaching for me throughout the day.  Let me respond to your invitation with praise and thanksgiving.  You are my God and I am your child.  Amen.