SYRIA - Thoughts & Prayers

As I watched Pres. Obama address the nation last night, I listened to his plea for understanding and support as He and other world leaders deliberate and discern the best course of action in regards to the Assad regime and Syrian civil war.

I found myself asking, what is justice in this situation? How would justice best be served? 

Those who know me will tell you that politics are not an area where I focus much of my attention. In fact, those who know me very well would say that my faith and relationship with God comes before governments and political parties. 

I have been aware of the Syrian conflict for sometime and as so many of you, I have been getting news updates daily about changes in the situation.  However, for whatever reason I was struck last night with a compelling sense of grief for the families in Syria who have suffered through the most recent attack of chemical warfare. 

As the president spoke, I had flashes of imagery in my mind - what if that were me and my family...what if I were the one watching my child suffocate and begging for them to breathe and survive. It is a heart breaking thought - and most heartbreaking is that these actions are being carried out by their own government. It nearly made me weep aloud for their pain. In that very moment I felt compelled to give thanks to God for allowing me the privilege of being an American, where civil liberties are protected and the value of human life is high - especially in comparison to other nations. I gave thanks for all of those who are living and dying to protect the freedoms we share as Americans.

Only by living in this tension between sorrow and gratitude could we ever authentically reflect on the meaning of justice and how justice would be served in this situation. I hate war and violence, nearly to the point of pacifism (using hyperbole)...but the thought of mass groups of people being targeted, abused, and murdered evokes an almost involuntary response - a desire to stand up for the oppressed, even at the risk of persecution - as Christ did for me, and every other person in the world.

I don't have the answers. I don't know whether it is right or wrong to take action in Syria... All I can do is pray - lift up all those in pain and in grief - all of those who are in leadership positions around the world, and trust in the all powerful God to continue to place His hand over them all. I could sleep soundly last night rejoicing in the knowledge and truth of God - that God is love, that God is good, that God is in the business of redeeming, and that God takes such an interest in the business of humans that he would become one of us in order to conquer death for us all. 

In these unsure times it is easy to get wrapped up in the bad news and the scary "what ifs" of the future - but i am convicted that this is not our (civilians') burden to bear. Perhaps our burden is to pray and trust - to love and help - to come alongside those unlike us - and to be open enough to allow God to change our hearts to being more like his.

Will you join me in prayer?

God - you know the brokenness of humanity and yet you continue to love us and call us into your kingdom. Show us your justice. Give us wisdom to choose the right path. Jesus - I lift up to you our nation's president and leaders who are diligently working on making our country safe and the world as just as they can. I know you, with all of us, are praying for peace - interceding on our behalf, seated at the right hand of God...Light - righteous path for us now. Reveal your way and let all people come trust in you. I lift up Syria - both sides of the conflict there - and pray for reconciliation, comfort, healing, and peace. 

Holy Spirit, move in the world. Cover every crevasse of creation with your grace, mercy, and kindness. Make your presence known throughout the world in a way that all nations would work together to bring about God's kingdom of peace and unity in love on here and now. Remind us all that life is not about dying and going to heaven one day - but about bringing heaven here to earth with the help of you - the One True and Triune God.