What We're Up To

A Local Mission Project

Join us as we continue to build relationships with our community at the Back to School Bash!  We are inviting the neighborhood surrounding Cowan Park, as well as others in the Danville community, to come eat, play, and pack a backpack with the needed school supplies.  We need lots of hands and hearts to help us show kindness to our neighbors...so mark your calendars and invite a friend.  Click Here for more information or to join the event.

2nd Annual Anderson-Dean Pool Party

A Family Fellowship Event - Fri, Aug 22nd - 6-8pm

Students, Singles, Couples, and their family and friends are invited to join us for pizza and pool fun at Anderson-Dean Pool in Harrodsburg.  We'll celebrate the end of a wonderful summer, visit with old friends, and make new ones.  No cost, but if you are able, please bring a 2-liter drink or a dessert.  Click here for more information or to join the event.