About Us

Emerge Ministries is a new and vibrant young adult ministry at Centenary United Methodist Church.

Many people wonder, "Am I still a young adult?"  If you are unsure, the answer is probably yes.  Young Adulthood is less about a number of years you have lived and much more about the stage of life you are in.  Common life experiences for young adults typically include the later college years, students working toward their graduate level degrees, early professionals, singles, newly-weds, and families raising young children (elementary/middle school-aged).  We don't check IDs at the door to make sure anyone is young enough, so don't hesitate to join us anytime.

Emerge Ministries values authentic Christian community, spiritual multiplication beyond the church walls and Multi-generational relationships.  We are seeking God and discovering how God calls each of us to be involved in His living body in order to make a positive difference in our churches and in our communities.

Emerge Ministries is open to people from all religious backgrounds and denominations.  We are an optimistic, hopeful, and relational group of people who desire to grow in our discipleship and understanding of what it means to be Christlike.

Emerge Ministries offers various opportunities for discipleship and fellowship.  Subscribe to the blog or friend Emerge Danville on FB to learn about upcoming events and spiritual growth opportunities.