Over the last 7 years, I have experienced so many opportunities to live out my discipleship of Jesus through the Christian community of The Church. I have always loved to teach and lead in fun ways that involve action and participation. Even as a child I was ready to help and teach younger children. Isn't that what discipleship is all about? Not just to learn about Jesus' teachings but to invite others to journey with us as we become more deeply committed to Christ and to walk together....
I can't remember a time when I didn't know who Jesus was. In many ways, I think I was born a Christian - but I only know Christ now because of so many who took the time to pour into me - older kids, young adults, teachers, parents, grandparents, mentors....the list goes on and on. Their love and support have sparked a light in me that I just can't bury and save for myself. This light is so beautiful and bright I have to share it with others. That is what discipleship in action is all about. Some of my most moving experiences have been serving children. I have participated in Vacation Bible Schools for the last 7 years and in some years, I have done it twice. I have taken Vacation Bible School to Africa and Alaska. I have worked with preschoolers, 5th graders, teen volunteers, adult leaders, and pastors. There is one constant regardless of who you are serving with: everyone learns something through a time of laughter, excitement, joy, and sincerity.
I regularly reflect on the Gospel text from Mark
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.What an honor it is to participate as the hands and feet of Christ in the blessing of children....
What a priviledge it is to learn how to receive the kingdom of God like a child from children themselves...
How amazing it is to spend a week with children, "for to such belongs the kingdom of God"
to dance
to sing
to create
to love
to laugh
and to learn
Emerge Young Adult ministries values inter-generational ministry. It is part of who we are. Older people, for our entire lives, have poured into us, guided us, loved us, supported us, and walked with us as we became more deeply committed to Jesus. How could we respond to such care in any other way than to turn and care for others? Centenary UMC loves kids - which is why we love Centenary. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, a single person, a married person, a man, or a woman - there is a place for you to serve kids this summer.
Would you consider praying about how God might delight in using you and your gifts to minister to his beloved children in the Danville community during VBS this June?
Jill Winter, our Director of Children's Ministries is deeply dedicated to making this ministry available for both our children and for you to put discipleship into action. She has lots of availability and flexibility to match your gifts with an area of service. You can serve in a music shop, a law court, a geometry shop, a toy shop, a scribe shop, a pottery shop, a mission shop, or as a group leader taking kids from place to place. There is plenty of room to partner up with a friend and serve together.
June 23rd-June 27th
Later in the summer I will be serving with our Youth Ministry Team on their summer trip to Panama City. I expect, based on past experiences, that those two service opportunities will be the highlight of my summer and will connect me to our loving God in deep new ways. My prayer is that you would join me and we could share in this wonderful experience of discipleship in action. Comment here or contact Michelle Harris (info on Contact page) to get more information or to sign up to serve. I will be there...hope you will too.